Roland Brooks

Consumer Advice Managing Editor. Daddy by day, writer at night. Fishing and the newest gadgets are Roland’s faves regarding stress relief. Whether it’s a new gadget or a fishing rod, he’s always eager to try something new. When I’m stressed, I usually go fishing or play around with the latest gadgets to help distract and relax me. There’s nothing quite like it for helping wake me up and prepare me for the day. And when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I love to take out one of the latest tech gadgets to distract myself and give me a mental break.
Roland Brooks


best lowrance fish finders

Best Lowrance Fish Finder to Try

While some anglers build their passion from chasing a feeling, others pursue perfection. This is delivered by choosing the fishing tool.  Since 1960, Lawrance has

best garmin fish finder

Best Garmin Fish Finder in 2023

In my experience as an angler, I’ve noted a common aspect among water boat fishing, kayaking, and ice fishing fishermen. We all desire to be

Humminbird Helix 9

Humminbird Helix 9 Review

I have owned several fish finders over the years, and I highly recommend Humminbird Helix models for anglers looking for the right fish finder. The

Best castable fish finder

Best Castable Fish Finders [2023]

Simply put, castable fish finders don’t need to be mounted, frequently using Bluetooth to connect to a smart device. It’s a neat gadget that eases