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Larry Stark

Founder / Main Editor

Ernest Grey

Product Reviews Managing Editor

Roland Brooks

Consumer Advice Managing Editor

Larry Stark is not just an editor; he’s a seasoned angler with over four decades of fishing experience. He spends his days by the lakes, streams, and rivers, exploring the beauty of nature and testing new fishing gadgets. Larry is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys challenging himself and honing his fishing skills.

Ernest Grey is a passionate fisherman and gadget enthusiast. His love for fishing is matched only by his desire to share his knowledge and experiences with fellow anglers.

Roland is our managing editor; he’s a multi-talented individual who understands the importance of relaxation and distraction in today’s busy world.

Larry’s Expertise


Fishing Techniques. Larry can provide guidance on various fishing techniques, from fly fishing to deep-sea fishing. He’s here to answer your questions and offer tips to improve your angling skills.

Gear Recommendations. Wondering which fishing rod or reel to choose? Larry can recommend the best gear based on your preferences and the type of fish you’re targeting.

Restoring Vintage Lures. Larry has a passion for restoring vintage fishing lures. If you’re a collector or enthusiast, he can share his expertise in this area.

Outdoor Conversations. Larry enjoys a good chat around the campfire. If you have stories to share or simply want to talk about the great outdoors, he’s all ears.

Teaching and Mentoring. Larry is often seen teaching children how to fish for the first time. If you’re looking for tips on introducing kids to fishing, he’s the go-to person.

Billiards. Occasionally, Larry indulges in a game of billiards. If you share this interest, he might even share some billiards tips.

Feel free to drop Larry an email or give him a call. He’s passionate about fishing and connecting with fellow anglers. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ernest’s Expertise


Photography and Social Media. Ernest is a pro at capturing his fishing adventures. If you want tips on taking great fishing photos or building an online presence for your fishing hobby, he’s got you covered.

Positive Attitude. No matter the weather or conditions, Ernest maintains a positive attitude and enjoys every moment outdoors. He can inspire you to make the most of your fishing trips.

Ecological Knowledge. Ernest loves exploring new lakes, rivers, and streams and learning about the surrounding ecology. If you’re curious about the environment and its impact on fishing, he’s the expert to consult.

Sharing Stories. Ernest enjoys connecting with other fishermen and explorers. He’s always up for a good conversation and sharing fishing stories.

Gear Maintenance. Properly caring for your fishing gear is essential. Ernest can educate you on gear maintenance to ensure your equipment lasts and performs at its best.

Ernest Grey is dedicated to helping you have the best fishing experiences possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him via email or phone with your questions or inquiries. Your fishing adventures are about to get even better!

Roland’s Expertise


Consumer Product Advice. Whether you’re looking for information on the latest gadgets or fishing gear, Roland can provide valuable insights to help you make informed choices.

Stress Relief. Roland knows the importance of stress relief. He turns to fishing and the latest tech gadgets as his personal stress-busters. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, he can recommend the best ways to unwind.

Distraction and Relaxation. Roland finds that trying new gadgets or heading out for a fishing trip are excellent ways to distract himself and find relaxation. He can share tips on how to make the most of these activities.

Morning Boost. Roland believes that starting the day right is crucial. He’ll advise you on how fishing or experimenting with new tech gadgets can help wake you up and prepare you for the day ahead.

Roland is here to assist you in finding the perfect balance between leisure, relaxation, and staying up-to-date with the latest consumer products. Whether you have questions or need recommendations, feel free to reach out to him via email or phone. Your journey to stress relief and enjoyable leisure activities starts here!

Address: 4 Parklane Blvd, Dearborn, MI 48126

Working Hours

Monday 9 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM – 5 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday 11 AM–4 PM
Sunday Closed